Understanding Your WorkCover Industry Classification (WIC): A Worker’s Guide

WorkCover Industry Classifications (WICs)

In every accident insurance policy, a WorkCover Industry Classification (WIC) code is assigned to categorize your business and facilitate the premium calculation process. WorkCover Industry Classifications (WICs) also play a crucial role in assessing the risk and performance of your industry.

When determining your policy's WorkCover Industry Classifications (WICs), we evaluate the primary activity of your business. This may not always align with the tasks performed by individual staff members but often corresponds to the invoiced services. For example, if your business primarily involves cleaning office buildings, even if you have admin workers, accountants, and drivers, the main activity is still cleaning.

Our WICs are derived from the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC), a national classification scheme by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. This scheme ensures consistency in comparing industry statistics across regions.

Discovering Your WorkCover Industry Classification WIC: While many businesses neatly fit into a WIC, for specialized businesses, we assign a WIC that closely describes the primary business activity. We consider various factors, including the nature of goods and services, self-declared business activities, ANZSIC, claims history, revenue and wage payments, and the workforce per business activity.

Multiple WorkCover Industry Classification WICs: Typically, one WIC is assigned per policy, but exceptions exist. If your business engages in multiple activities from separate locations that are not dependent on each other, or if you operate a labor-hire or group training business, you may qualify for more than one WIC. Reach out to us at 1300 362 128 to discuss eligibility.

WorkCover Industry Classification WIC Changes: If you wish to change the assigned WIC due to a shift in business activity or a perceived misclassification, contact us at 1300 362 128. In case of disagreement with the assigned WIC, you can discuss your concerns with us, and if necessary, seek a review of your classification from the Workers' Compensation Regulator.

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