Lowered Premium: Tips and Strategies

Lowered premium accident insurance premium with WorkCover Queensland, focus on fostering a safer workplace environment. Prioritizing your workers' well-being contributes to a decrease in workplace injuries and subsequent WorkCover claims. The lower your claims costs, the better your policy rating, leading to a reduced premium.

How can WorkCover assist? Engaging in discussions with WorkCover Queensland about your policy and workplace can yield significant advantages. WorkCover can support you in:

  • Enhancing return-to-work strategies, such as suitable duties plans
  • Providing industry case studies showcasing effective workplace safety measures
  • Clarifying how your performance is evaluated in relation to your industry
  • Collaborating with Workplace Health and Safety Queensland to develop health and safety initiatives.

Being a responsible and safety-conscious employer brings numerous advantages. It safeguards your workers and concurrently helps in lowering premium, industry rate, and the average premium rate for other Queensland businesses.

For more details, call us at 1300 362 128. Additionally, explore information on injury prevention, safety measures, rehabilitation, return to work, and industry-specific insights.

How else can I cut premium costs and enhance my business? Incorporating apprentices into your workforce presents various advantages, including potential reductions in premium costs. Explore the following section for insights into this process, its benefits, and associated requirements.

Apprentice discount

If you employ an apprentice or multiple apprentices in your business, you’re eligible for a discount on your premium.

The discount works by excluding (not counting) any wages paid to an apprentice from your premium calculation. Because the amount of wages you pay is a big part of working out your premium, this will result in a lowered premium.

You still need to declare any apprentice wages, but we will exclude them for you when calculating your premium.

The main things you need to know are listed below:

  • To qualify, you need to employ and pay wages to at least one apprentice.
  • Apprentices must be employed under an official apprenticeship arrangement/training contract. Please note trainees are not included - to check whether your employee is an apprentice or trainee you can search their qualification code (found on their training contract) under the Queensland Training Information Service.
  • The discount covers all wages for all apprentices you employ and for work relating to the apprenticeship only.
  • You still need to declare your apprentices' wages by 31 August as part of your normal wage declaration when you renew your policy. WorkCover will then deduct them. If the wages are not declared by the 31 August due date, you will not be eligible for apprentice discount.
  • Your apprentices are still covered for injury by your policy and any claims made if they are injured still count towards your claims experience (claims costs). Learn more about how your premium is worked out and how this affects it.

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