Navigating Compliance and Education for Your Security

Ensuring Compliance and Promoting Education: At WorkCover Queensland, its dedication is to assist Queensland businesses in fulfilling their responsibilities to their workers.

This involves ensuring that businesses have appropriate workers' compensation insurance and pay the correct premium amount.

We achieve this through targeted education for employers and engaging in compliance-related activities, including:

  • Conducting audits on employer wages.
  • Carrying out on-site visits to employers.
  • Initiating education and awareness campaigns.
  • Identifying employers who may be under-insured or uninsured.

WorkCover Queensland employs various strategies to ensure that businesses comply with workers' compensation obligations.

Wage Audits: For existing policyholders, WorkCover may conduct wage audits using data matching techniques. This helps verify the accuracy of declared wages, assess the employment status of workers, and ensure proper declaration of additional benefits. If discrepancies are identified, direct communication is initiated to guide businesses back on track.

Employer Site Visits: WorkCover conducts regular visits to businesses across diverse industries, both in regional and metropolitan areas. These visits serve to enhance employers' understanding of their obligations, address potential risks related to under-insurance or lack of insurance, and provide clarity on working arrangements for contractors and sub-contractors.

Customer Education: Collaborating with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and the Office of State Revenue, WorkCover actively identifies businesses possibly employing workers without adequate insurance. Direct communication is established with employers to clarify obligations, emphasize compliance risks, and guide them towards adherence.

Stakeholder Education: WorkCover extends its commitment to educating new businesses by participating in industry forums, trade shows, and conferences. Providing in-person advice when necessary, it also supports government agencies and employer associations with educational materials and media support.

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