Silicosis: Your Guide to Health, Compensation, and Recovery

Silicosis is a lung disease that may develop in workers exposed to silica. Stonemasons, particularly those in the stone benchtop industry, face a high risk due to their activities like cutting, grinding, sanding, and polishing engineered stone benchtops, known for their high crystalline silica content.

In 2018, the Office of Industrial Relations (OIR) issued an alert leading to safety measures in Queensland, including a ban on uncontrolled dry cutting, enhanced dust control, the use of effective respiratory protective equipment, and health screening and monitoring.

If you're an employer, understand more about managing silica exposure in the workplace.

Health screening and monitoring:

For Workers: If you're employed or about to work for a Queensland stone benchtop employer, they are obligated to fund health screenings and monitoring for you. If unsure, WorkCover can provide guidance.

For Employers: Since October 31, 2019, stone benchtop employers must pay for workers' initial health screenings and commit to ongoing health monitoring, following the Code of Practice 2019. Employers cover expenses like doctor’s fees, testing, analysis, travel costs, and time off work. For a safer workplace, Workplace Health and Safety provides guidance to prevent worker exposure to silica dust in the stone benchtop industry.

Previous Stone Benchtop Workers:If you previously worked in the industry and are experiencing symptoms due to silica exposure, see your doctor immediately.

Diagnosis of Silicosis or Abnormality:If diagnosed with work-related silicosis, you may be entitled to compensation, including medical expense reimbursements, counselling support, weekly compensation, return-to-work assistance, lump sum compensation, and financial hardship assistance. Consider making a common law claim. You or your employer should talk to WorkCover, provide a work capacity certificate, and lodge a claim online or call 1300 362 128.

If WorkCover Accepts Your Claim: Claims undergo a decision-making process. WorkCover's guidelines aid medical practitioners in assessing and managing silica-related respiratory diseases. Approved claims offer payments and support based on personal circumstances.

Learn more about weekly payments. Returning to work is essential, and WorkCover collaborates with you, your doctor, and your employer to create a rehabilitation and return-to-work plan. If unable to continue stonemasonry, we help enhance your employability.

Discover more about employment alternatives. 

Counselling and Financial Support:WorkCover provides emotional and financial support if you have an accepted claim. Covering counselling costs and aiding financial hardship requests, support is assessed based on medical severity and current financial situations.

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