Navigating Critical Injuries: Your Path to Recovery and Compensation

Serious injuries, such as those requiring immediate hospitalization, demand thorough attention. If your injury is severe, extensive hospital care and various surgeries or treatments may be necessary.

These injuries encompass a range of conditions, including:

  • Crush injuries involving multiple fractures and damage to internal organs
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Full-thickness burns covering over 30% of the body
  • Inhalation burns causing permanent respiratory damage
  • Blindness
  • Loss of a limb.

Injuries of this nature are intricate and can profoundly impact your life. Coping with any work-related injury is challenging, but these severe cases pose unique difficulties for you and your family.

WorkCover Queensland has a dedicated Critical Care team, collaborating closely with workers who've encountered life-changing injuries and their families. The goal is to facilitate your return to independent living. We collaborate with your employer, along with medical and allied health professionals, ensuring effective rehabilitation and exploring possibilities for your return to work.

In instances of a serious work-related injury, we may also partner with the National Injury Insurance Scheme Queensland (NIISQ) to oversee your claim. Our team, characterized by sensitivity, extensive experience, and knowledge, provides steadfast support and guidance throughout your journey.

If a critical or serious injury occurs in your workplace, it's essential to report the incident to Workplace Health and Safety Queensland.

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