Navigating Work-Related Injuries Beyond Your Workplace: Your Compensation Guide

Work-related injuries don't always occur within your primary workplace. Depending on the circumstances, you may still qualify for compensation.

Injuries may occur:

  • During your commute between home and work
  • On your way to or from work-related training
  • While traveling to or from medical or rehabilitation appointments linked to an existing WorkCover claim
  • During travel between jobs with different employers
  • While on a work-related journey, such as attending a conference or meeting, locally, interstate, or internationally.

Am I eligible to claim? To qualify for compensation, you should initiate your journey without significant delays or deviations, traveling directly between your home and workplace, or a training institution. If the injury happens at your home, it's not considered the commencement of your journey and won't be compensable, as per the Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003.

When traveling outside your usual work location (e.g., inter-city, interstate, or overseas) for work-related purposes, your employment must significantly contribute to the injury. Various factors need consideration, and we can assess your individual situation if you decide to make a claim.

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