Why Hasn't My Lawyer Told Me About These Lump Sum Payments?

When dealing with a WorkCover claim and the potential for lump sum payments, many individuals find themselves puzzled and frustrated, asking, "Why hasn't my lawyer told me about these options?" This blog post aims to shed light on this critical question, addressing why your lawyer, WorkCover, and even your employer might not be providing you with this crucial information.

The Lawyer's Silence

Legal and Financial Constraints: Most compensation lawyers operate on a 'no win, no fee' basis. They cannot formally commence legal actions until after the statutory claims process has concluded, typically marked by the issuance of a Notice of Assessment. Engaging in extensive work before this point without the certainty of pursuing a future economic loss claim leaves lawyers financially exposed. If they invest time and resources into your case and you decide not to proceed, they stand to lose significantly, as they won't recover their fees. It's a precarious position that often leads to lawyers waiting until they can officially act before delving into the depths of your compensation entitlements, including lump sum payments.

WorkCover's Non-Disclosure

Insurance Company Motives: WorkCover operates as an insurance entity. Their primary goal is to manage claims efficiently and cost-effectively. There's no explicit requirement in the legislation for them to volunteer information about all possible entitlements, especially those that could lead to higher payouts. By not actively informing claimants about potential lump sum payments, they are essentially protecting their financial interests. It's an unfortunate reality that without being prompted, they might not provide you with a full picture of your entitlements.

Your Employer's Lack of Knowledge

Unaware and Uninformed: It's highly likely that your employer, especially if they're a small business owner, has little to no understanding of the intricacies of WorkCover lump sum payments. Even more so, if they are aware, they might not disclose this information as certain lump sums, particularly those related to future economic loss, can impact their premiums. It's in their best interest, financially, to remain silent on this matter.

The Need for Informed Guidance

Creating Doubt: The lack of information from these three key sources creates a void filled with doubt and uncertainty. If your lawyer hasn't informed you about your full range of options, it might be time to seek someone who can. An informed advocate or payment expert, independent of your legal and insurance processes, can provide the guidance and information you desperately need.


The silence from your lawyer, WorkCover, and employer isn't a coincidence or oversight. It's a calculated omission based on financial and legal constraints. However, this doesn't mean you have to remain in the dark about your entitlements. Seeking advice from knowledgeable and independent sources can illuminate the path to claiming what's rightfully yours, ensuring you're not missing out due to others' reluctance to share information. Remember, in the realm of compensation, knowledge truly is power.

Get More Inside Information on Lump Sums

Watch this video from our Premium Inside Information Portal that guides workers on how to fully access and accelerate all lump sum payments, especially if they are curious about whether they are eligible.

The Workers' Watchdog Guarantee

Worker's Rights Safety Investigations (WRSI) is committed to safeguarding your rights throughout the workers' compensation journey. Our thorough approach includes scrutinizing WorkCover specialists and doctors to ensure adherence to essential processes and procedures. We meticulously assess how WorkCover handles your claim and review the information provided to you, shedding light on overlooked strategies. Most importantly, we uncover any critical information gaps to empower you fully. Moreover, we meticulously examine legal costs agreements and bills, alongside evaluating legal work during statutory and damages phases. Should we identify unethical practices, we fearlessly report and investigate them, ensuring accountability. With WRSI, rest assured, every aspect of your claim receives the scrutiny it deserves, safeguarding your rights and interests.

This website does not provide legal advice or services. The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. The content on this website is not a substitute for professional legal advice.

The owners and operators of this website are not lawyers and do not hold ourselves out as such. Any reliance on the information provided on this website is at your own risk.

If you require legal advice or services, we recommend contacting the Queensland Law Society or seeking the assistance of a qualified legal professional.

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