Understanding the Importance of Workplace Safety for Your Future Compensation

Meat Processing Compliance Campaign 2022–2023 Worker Perspective

WorCover Queensland conducted an extensive statewide engagement and enforcement campaign in the meat processing industry from June 2022 to February 2023. The campaign aimed to enhance worker safety and increase industry compliance in high-risk meat processing workplaces. It specifically targeted workplaces with claims exceeding the average industry rates for workers' compensation, including medium and large meat abattoirs, large wholesale meat operations, and value-adding small goods meat processing workplaces.

Identified Risks: 

Throughout the campaign, several key work health and safety (WHS) risks were identified, including:

  • Unsafe handling and moving of objects.
  • Unsafe manual tasks.
  • Slips, trips, and falls.
  • Falling objects and working at height without protection.
  • Inadequate plant guarding.
  • Amputation risks.
  • Cuts and lacerations.
  • Use of inadequate hand tools (knives and electric tools).

Campaign Outcomes: 

WHSQ inspectors, acting on behalf of WorCover Queensland, conducted assessments at 48 meat processing workplaces and took enforcement actions for non-compliance. The outcomes included:

  • 116 improvement notices.
  • Two infringement notices, resulting in $7,200 in fines.
  • Four prohibition notices.
  • 20 immediate compliances, indicating prompt resolution of identified issues during inspections.

Campaign findings

The most frequent non-compliant issues identified were:

Area of non-compliance
Plant equipment risk
  • not managing plant equipment risks (i.e. no guarding, exposed entanglement and entrapment points, no isolation or lockout/tagout (LOTO) process, uncontrolled risk of being hit by falling or moving objects, lack of maintenance on forklifts (damaged tyres, operator seat damaged).
System of work
  • no or inadequate system of work
  • not complying with system of work (i.e. safe system of work not followed)
  • no system or process to identify and report hazards.
Fall risk
  • not managing fall from height risks (i.e. no harness or fall protection).
Slip, trip and fall
  • not managing slip, trip and fall risks (i.e. falls from same level risks, cords on floors, and slippery floors).

Campaign Recommendations for Meat Processors:

  • Maintain a comprehensive risk register, prioritizing WHS risks and non-compliance issues from very high to low risk.
  • Engage in regular consultations with workers and health and safety representatives to identify and document hazards and risks in the risk register.
  • Apply the hierarchy of controls in collaboration with workers to establish effective control measures for risk management.
  • Establish a monitoring and review system to assess the ongoing suitability and effectiveness of implemented controls.
  • Communicate effectively with all workers to ensure understanding of the risk management systems, and enforce adherence through supervision.
  • Provide training and education to workers, emphasizing key WHS risks identified in the campaign, such as lack of training in LOTO procedures, limited access to locks, tags, and equipment, and absence of guards on plant machinery.

Resources: Utilize the following resources to enhance safety processes and ensure compliance.


Codes of practice

Injury Prevention and Management Program

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