Your Safety and Your Payments: What Your Boss Should Be Doing

Your safety at work is directly linked to the potential payments you could receive, especially if you've suffered an injury. Understanding the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 is a good place to start when examining the circumstances that led to your injury.

Here's what your boss should be doing to maintain a safe workplace:

  • Fostering active collaboration and coordination with all stakeholders, especially when there are shared duties.
  • Regularly communicating with you and other workers, ensuring everyone is aware of any health and safety matters.
  • Harnessing the combined efforts of key personnel like business conductors (PCBUs), work health and safety officers (WHSOs), safety representatives (HSRs), and safety committees (HSCs) to promote a culture of safety.
  • Making sure that all these collaborations and communications are in compliance with the regulations, guaranteeing that there are no discrepancies that could affect your compensation.

If your employer has fallen short in these areas and you've experienced an injury as a result, it could substantially impact your potential payments. It's not just about a safe workspace but also about ensuring you're adequately compensated. Always be proactive about understanding your rights and keeping tabs on your employer's safety initiatives.

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