The Path to Being Recognized for Workplace Health and Safety

The Be Recognised program acknowledges organizations that integrate work health, safety, and wellbeing into their organizational systems and culture. It offers three levels of recognition—Bronze, Silver, and Gold—based on the commitment, commendation, and excellence demonstrated in these areas. The program aligns with the Work Health and Wellbeing Toolkit, encompassing stages of planning, implementation, and evaluation. Being recognized through this program can showcase an organization's dedication to enhancing the health and wellbeing of its workforce, distinguish it as an employer of choice, reduce staff turnover, and enhance overall business reputation.

The Be Recognised initiative acknowledges companies that integrate work health, safety, and wellbeing into their organizational fabric. By applying for recognition, organizations can highlight their commitment to improving employee health and wellbeing, stand out as preferred employers, retain talent, and enhance their business reputation. The program, aligned with the Work Health and Wellbeing Toolkit, follows a structured approach involving planning, implementation, and evaluation stages. It offers three recognition levels—Bronze, Silver, and Gold—reflecting varying degrees of commitment and excellence in promoting work health, safety, and wellbeing.

Gallery of Recognition: See the Gallery of Recognition

More information: Contact the work health and wellbeing team for further information via email:

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