Embrace Leadership in Work Health and Wellbeing

Being a leader in work health and wellbeing involves setting an example and demonstrating commitment to workers' safety and well-being. Leadership is not limited to formal roles; anyone with the ability to influence or inspire others can be a leader. In larger organizations, leaders may include those in human resources, occupational health and safety, senior and middle management, supervisors, and external stakeholders.

Smaller organizations may find leaders among individuals passionate about work health. Leadership extends beyond individual organizations to supply chains and networks, where cooperation can enhance health and safety. Leaders within these networks play a crucial role in influencing practices across the supply chain. Additionally, peak industry bodies (PIBs) and member organizations advocate for work health and wellbeing, acting as points of contact for specific industries.

PIBs support members by promoting health and safety policies, advocating for training programs, and fostering a positive culture. The focus on work health and wellbeing by PIBs is driven by factors such as competition for skilled workers, acknowledgment of a healthier and safer workforce's productivity, and fostering commitment from workers to the industry.

PIBs support their members by advocating for health in training programs, implementing policies, and promoting the benefits of a positive work health and safety culture. These efforts include establishing partnerships, providing access to information and services, incorporating health and safety information in conferences, and recognizing outstanding achievements in worker health, safety, and wellbeing through awards programs. Organizations interested in partnering with the Healthy Workers Initiative for improving work health and wellbeing are encouraged to reach out for collaboration.

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