A Worker's Guide to Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy in the Workplace

This framework outlines a comprehensive approach to developing a policy for managing the risks associated with alcohol and other drugs in the workplace. The policy aims to create a safe and healthy work environment while addressing health and chronic disease risks. It is applicable to all workplaces, with specific legislation covering certain industries.

Reasons for Implementing a Policy:

  • Evaluate the extent of alcohol and drug use at the workplace.
  • Identify alcohol and drug use as a hazard.
  • Assess associated risks and tailor the policy to specific workplace requirements.

Steps for Policy Development and Implementation:

  1. Conduct a Risk Assessment:
    • Identify external and internal conditions influencing the policy.
    • Assess risks related to work processes, machinery, workplace culture, and alcohol availability.
  2. Establish a Representative Group:
    • Form a group with workers, representatives, and management to oversee policy development.
    • Clearly define objectives and provide adequate resources.
  3. Develop the Policy in Consultation:
    • Involve workers, representatives, and professional support networks.
    • Establish procedures, timetable, and an educational program.
  4. Adopt Effective Communication Strategies:
    • Ensure regular feedback to workers.
    • Enhance understanding and acceptance of the policy.
  5. Plan and Implement Interventions:
    • Use the work health and wellbeing intervention tool.
    • Focus on good work design and consider factors contributing to harmful alcohol consumption.

Additional Considerations:

  • Identification of Unfit Workers:Clearly specify procedures for identifying workers unfit for work due to alcohol and/or drug use.
  • Self-Assessment by Workers:Workers should not attend work under the influence, and procedures should be in place for self-assessment.
  • Approaching a Worker Under the Influence:Clearly outline procedures for managing workers suspected of being impaired, considering workplace factors.
  • Evaluation of the Policy:Regularly assess the policy's effectiveness, involve workers, and consider outcomes, treatment, and counseling interventions.
  • Alcohol and Other Drugs Testing:
    • Implement testing based on risk assessment and legal considerations.
    • Include precautions, consultation with workers, privacy rights, and procedures for managing positive and negative test results.
  • Disciplinary Procedures:Establish clear grounds for disciplinary actions, including transfer, demotion, or dismissal for policy breaches.
  • Privacy Rights:Emphasize adherence to the Privacy Act, ensuring confidentiality of workers' information.
  • Appendix 1 - Information in Policy:
    • Include a clear policy statement, stating aims, scope, and code of behavior.
    • Define roles, responsibilities, and special circumstances.
    • Specify testing procedures, disciplinary measures, and grounds for discipline.

This comprehensive framework is designed to promote a healthy and safe workplace, emphasizing collaboration, communication, and ongoing evaluation of policies and interventions.

Appendix 2 - Alcohol and other drugs services

Services available in Queensland
  • National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline - 1800 250 015 for free and confidential advice about alcohol and other drugs.
  • 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84) a 24/7 phone service for health advice and information about health services
  • Alcohol and drug information service: 1800 177 833; provides Queensland-wide 24/7 support for people with alcohol and other drug concerns, their loved ones and health professionals. They offer telephone, face to face.
  • Lives lived well: 1300727957; provides an alcohol and drug support from harm minimisation perspective around Queensland, they offer telephone, face to face and inpatient rehab (non-government).
  • Family Drug Support (FDS) - for information, referral, counselling 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on the national free call number: 1300 368 186.
  • Quihn (Queensland Injectors Health Network): 1800 172 076; health services for people who use drugs and alcohol throughout Queensland, offer counselling, rehabilitation linkage, needle exchange, support groups and detox programs.
  • Drug ARM: 3620 8880; Drug ARM provides compassion and specialist care throughout Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia through a range of programs and services that include education, outreach, prevention and treatment.
  • Counselling Online is available for alcohol and drug users - phone 1800 888 236.

Employee Assistance Professional Association of Australasia (Inc) (EAPAA)

EAPAA is the peak Australasian body representing provider and user members that supply Employee Assistance Programs in the workplace. EAPAA is not a service provider but does provide a list of EAP providers in Queensland.

For a list of some providers of this service in Queensland contact Landscape Queensland at www.landscapequeensland.com.au/healthier-happier-workplaces

Australasian Medical Review Officers Association (AMROA)

AMROA is the professional body representing Medical Review Officers in Australasia. The website has useful information about drug and alcohol testing and a “find an MRO function”. amroa.org.au


  • WorkSafe Victoria Information for employers Guide for developing a workplace alcohol and other drugs policy - WorkSafe Victoria
  • NCETA (2006); Responding to alcohol and drug issues in the workplace. National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia.
  • Pidd, K. & Roche, A.M. (2011); Workplace drug testing: Evidence and issues. National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia.
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