Safeguarding Your Health and Compensation in Dry Sweeping

In handling dry sweeping tasks, as a worker, it's crucial to consider alternative cleaning methods unless using a broom or similar tools is deemed the only practical option. Employing such tools during sweeping can disperse respirable crystalline silica dust into the air.

If finding a safer alternative to dry sweeping isn't reasonably practicable, WorkCover Queensland advises on specific exposure controls aligned with Appendix 4 of the Managing respirable crystalline silica in construction and manufacturing of construction elements code of practice 2022 (PDF, 1.71 MB).

Use suitable engineering controls

Consider the following engineering control options:

  • Isolate the work area.
  • Employ physical or temporary barriers, like temporary walls or sheeting, to prevent the spread of contaminated air.
  • Use barriers effectively, especially outdoors with natural ventilation, ensuring they prevent dust drift when dust release is controlled.
  • Enclose equipment generating respirable crystalline silica dust.
  • Provide workers with a separate break room or area away from tasks producing such dust.
  • When applicable, work outside following manufacturer’s instructions, ensuring dust doesn't travel towards other workers or premises.
  • Determine the size of the isolated area based on a risk assessment by a competent person, accounting for prevailing conditions.

Select appropriate respiratory protective equipment (RPE)

For dry sweeping tasks, RPE is necessary. The type of RPE required depends on:

  • The chosen engineering controls.
  • The duration of the task during the shift.
  • The location of the work.

WorkCover Queensland emphasizes the importance of carefully selecting RPE based on the specific engineering controls in use, the duration of the task, and the work location.

Engineering control used
Time spent doing task during shift
Equal or less than 4 hours
Greater than 4 hours
Isolate the area (Option 1)
P1 or P2 filtered RPE with a MPF 10 required
P1 or P2 filtered RPE with a MPF 10 required
Indoors / enclosed area
P1 or P2 filtered RPE with a MPF 10 required
Indoors / enclosed area
P1 or P2 filtered RPE with a MPF 10 required

For tight fitting RPE, workers must be fit-tested to the specific make and model before using it. See section 7.6 of the Code (PDF, 1.71 MB) for more information on fit-testing and other requirements for using RPE.

Health monitoring

A person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) must provide health monitoring to a worker if their tasks require them to wear RPE 30 times or more in 12 months.

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