Understanding the Risks: Are Nanoparticles a Threat to You?

In the context of workers' safety, WorCover Queensland emphasizes a cautious stance towards nanotechnology processes, given the limited information on the health effects of nanomaterials.

Current scientific investigations indicate that exposure to certain nanomaterials, including engineered nanoparticles, nanodevices, or products from nanobiotechnology, may pose potential risks to both human health and the environment.

Due to the incomplete understanding of health effects and risks related to engineered nanoparticles exposure, Workplace Health and Safety Queensland advocates adopting a precautionary approach in workplaces. This recommendation stands unless specific information indicates otherwise.

Those overseeing nanotechnology work must prioritize health and safety throughout the entire process, including manufacture, use, handling, transport, storage, modification, or generation of engineered nanoparticles.

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