Safeguarding Against Non-Potable Water Risks: Your Guide to Workplace Safety


In your workplace, it's vital to understand the potential hazards of non-potable water, not just for immediate safety but also with an eye on potential compensation in case of accidents or injuries. This guide puts the focus squarely on you, the worker, and emphasizes the significance of recognizing and managing non-potable water risks to ensure your health and secure your future.

Section 1: Demystifying Non-Potable Water

Understanding Non-Potable Water

  • Learn what "non-potable water" signifies.
  • Discover that while you can't drink it, non-potable water serves various other purposes.

Distinguishing Potable from Non-Potable

  • Understand the distinction between potable and non-potable water.
  • Grasp the importance of considering water as non-potable unless you're certain about its quality.

Examples of Non-Potable Water

  • Explore instances of non-potable water usage in the workplace.
  • Realize how various sources, from recycled greywater to quarry water, can pose risks.

Section 2: Uncovering Non-Potable Water Risks

Health Hazards in Non-Potable Water

  • Learn about the health risks associated with consuming non-potable water.
  • Recognize the presence of micro-organisms and chemicals that can lead to serious health problems.

Micro-Organisms in Non-Potable Water

  • Understand the potential micro-organisms, such as viruses and bacteria, that non-potable water might contain.
  • Realize the health risks, including severe gastroenteritis, linked to water-borne diseases.

Chemical Risks in Non-Potable Water

  • Learn about the variety of chemicals that can be present in non-potable water.
  • Understand the consequences of chemical exposure, from skin issues to cancer.

Section 3: Mitigating the Risks Together

Responsibilities for Workers

  • Recognize your responsibility under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 to safeguard your health and that of others.
  • Grasp the importance of using safety equipment and following protocols and procedures diligently.

Signs of Risk Exposure

  • Familiarize yourself with signs that may indicate potential risk exposure to non-potable water.
  • Learn when and how to address concerns regarding non-potable water safety.

Section 4: Obligations for Employers

Employer's Duty to Manage Risks

  • Understand the duty of employers to manage workplace risks as per the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.
  • Realize the significance of following a four-step risk management process and related guidelines.

The Four-Step Risk Management Process

  • Explore the four-step process for managing risks, from identifying hazards to reviewing control measures.
  • Grasp the role of employers in assessing risks and taking proactive measures.

Controlling the Risks

  • Understand the hierarchy of risk control and the steps to implement protective measures.
  • Realize the need to install non-potable water infrastructure and maintain differentiation between potable and non-potable supplies.

Regularly Reviewing Risk Controls

  • Learn why ongoing risk management is essential.
  • Recognize that control measures should be reviewed when issues arise or changes occur.


By embracing the knowledge of non-potable water risks and actively participating in risk management, you are not only preserving your well-being but also securing your future. Whether it's immediate safety or potential compensation following an accident, this guide empowers you to create a safer, healthier work environment through understanding and managing non-potable water risks effectively.

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