Your Comprehensive Guide to Immunization in Early Childhood Education and Care Services


Your work in early childhood education and care services involves a crucial duty of ensuring children's well-being. It also involves potential health risks. This section is vital not only for safeguarding the health of children but also your own well-being and future compensation in case of workplace accidents or injuries. Delve into the key aspects of managing these risks, including immunization.

Navigating the Risks

Working in the child care industry can expose you to infectious diseases. It's essential to be prepared and protected against these risks, not just for your health but for the welfare of children and families in your care.

Recommended Vaccinations

Discover the essential vaccinations recommended for non-immune staff working with young children. These vaccinations are critical for your safety and the prevention of outbreaks that could have severe consequences for you, the children, and their families.

Recommended vaccinations include:

  • Hepatitis A
  • Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR)
  • Chickenpox
  • Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
  • Influenza

The Risk of Outbreaks

Outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases can lead to serious illness, not only in children but also in staff and family members. Understand the gravity of these diseases, especially in pregnant women, and the importance of vaccination and hygiene in preventing their spread.

Managing Disease Risks

Explore the best practices for protecting workers against vaccine-preventable diseases through an occupational immunization program. Learn how such a program should be structured and its key components, including an immunization policy and the management of vaccine refusal.

Immunization for Students

Students undertaking vocational placements in early childhood education and care services are also at risk. Discover the importance of implementing a student immunization program for relevant vaccinations to ensure their safety during placements.

The Cost-Efficient Approach

Studies emphasize that preventing illness through a comprehensive immunization program is more cost-effective than managing occupational exposures, disease outbreaks, and their subsequent disruptions.

Handling Vaccine Refusal

In situations where workers refuse vaccination or can't be vaccinated for medical reasons, the PCBU (Person Conducting Business or Undertaking) should conduct a risk assessment. This assessment will determine suitable ways to protect these workers from infection, taking into account the nature of the infectious disease.

Confirming Immunity

Workers at significant risk of vaccine-preventable diseases should consult with their doctors to confirm their immunity status. This is a proactive step to ensure your safety and the safety of those in your care.

Who Covers Vaccination Costs?

Understand that vaccination costs should be negotiated between the PCBU, workers, and their representatives. In many cases, higher vaccine uptake is observed when vaccination is provided at no cost or at a subsidized cost by the PCBU.


Your role in early childhood education and care services is of utmost importance. Being prepared, protected, and informed about immunization is not only essential for the health and well-being of children but also for securing your health.

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