Protecting Yourself Against ABLV: Your Path to Compensation

As a dedicated worker exposed to potential Australian Bat Lyssavirus (ABLV) risks, understanding this section is essential for safeguarding your health, your rights, and potential compensation following a workplace accident or injury. Here, we explore your vital role in ensuring your safety and well-being when working with bats and ABLV.

Demystifying ABLV

Get acquainted with Australian Bat Lyssavirus (ABLV), a virus closely related to rabies that can be fatal. Learn why only trained and vaccinated individuals should handle bats and the severe workplace hazards for those working with bats or in their habitats.

The Gravity of ABLV

Understand why ABLV is a serious threat due to its impact on the central nervous system. Discover how bats, even without obvious signs of infection, can carry the virus in their saliva. Realize the extreme consequences of ABLV infection and its potential risks to other animals like dogs and horses.

Workers at Risk

Identify the categories of workers most vulnerable to ABLV risks. This includes veterinarians, wildlife officers, bat scientists, electrical workers, and others with occupational contact with bats. Recognize if you're among those at risk and the precautions you need to take.

Recognizing ABLV Risks

Acknowledge the severity of ABLV, the absence of a cure once symptoms manifest, and the importance of not handling sick, injured, or orphaned bats without proper training. Understand the legal and ethical implications of interfering with bat colonies.

Responding to Exposure

Learn what to do if you've been bitten or scratched by a bat. Find out the immediate actions to take, including washing the wound and seeking medical attention. Discover how to report the incident to protect your rights.

Managing ABLV Risks

Explore the role of workers and management in minimizing ABLV hazards at the workplace. Recognize your responsibility to take reasonable care of your health and safety, and understand the duties of businesses in managing ABLV risks.

Responsibility of Workers

As a worker, understand your role in protecting your health and the health and safety of others. Comprehend the importance of not touching bats without vaccination against rabies and wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) as part of your responsibility.

Duties of Businesses

For employers or persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU), recognize your duty to manage ABLV risks as outlined in the Work Health and Safety Act 2011. Learn how to provide a safe working environment and understand the key steps involved.

Identifying and Assessing Risks

Follow a four-step risk management process to identify possible hazards, assess risks, and prioritize control measures. Recognize the need for effective risk assessment and the use of available tools and templates.

Implementing Control Measures

Understand the hierarchy of control measures and their effectiveness in reducing ABLV risks. Recognize the importance of collaborating with your workers to choose and prioritize control measures that work in practice.

Reviewing Risk Controls

Realize that risk management is an ongoing process. Regularly review control measures to ensure their effectiveness. Comprehend the legal obligations surrounding control reviews and continuous improvement to protect your rights.

Seeking Compensation

Be aware that understanding and adhering to ABLV risk management is not only about protecting your health but also about safeguarding your rights. This knowledge can be crucial for potential compensation claims following a workplace accident or injury related to ABLV.


Prioritize your health and safety when working with bats and facing ABLV risks. By being proactive and informed, you not only protect yourself but also ensure you're well-prepared for potential compensation claims following a workplace accident or injury associated with these hazards.

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