Breathing Safely: Protecting Your Health and Future from Carbon Monoxide Exposure

Introduction:Your health and safety at work are paramount, but it's not just about the present. This comprehensive guide will enlighten you on the significance of managing carbon monoxide exposure during air compressor use, not only for your well-being but also as an essential aspect in securing potential future compensation payments following a workplace accident or injury.

Section 1: Understanding the Threat of Carbon Monoxide

Carbon Monoxide Unveiled

  • Explore the nature of carbon monoxide (CO), a deadly gas produced by petrol and diesel engines.
  • Comprehend the stealthy nature of CO, which is odorless, tasteless, and colorless, making it a hidden menace to your health.

The Lurking Dangers

  • Delve into the harm caused by CO when it enters your body.
  • Understand that while mild exposure may go unnoticed, severe symptoms can include headaches, drowsiness, reduced judgment, convulsions, unconsciousness, coma, and even death.

Section 2: Risks from Air Compressor Use

Causes of Increased CO Levels

  • Identify the scenarios in which the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning escalates during air compressor use.
  • Learn how overheating engines can lead to engine oil breakdown and the generation of hazardous CO levels.

Section 3: Managing the Risk of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Regulatory Standards

  • Gain insight into the requirements set by AS/NZS 1715 for air quality from compressors used with supplied-air respirators.
  • Understand the importance of monitoring oxygen concentrations, carbon monoxide levels, and other factors to ensure your safety.

Preventive Measures

  • Discover crucial steps to prevent CO poisoning from air compressor breathing air.
  • Learn how to supply safe breathing air, regularly test air quality, and employ fail-safe high-temperature protection mechanisms.

Contaminant Avoidance

  • Recognize the significance of keeping the air intake of compressors far away from potential sources of contaminants, including exhaust emissions.
  • Understand the necessity of proactive measures to ensure clean air for breathing.

Section 4: Safety Programs and Protocols

Respiratory Protection

  • Learn about the importance of establishing and maintaining a comprehensive respiratory protection program.
  • Understand how it includes information on managing air sources for air-supplied respirators, selection, use, and maintenance.

Maintenance and Inspection

  • Explore the significance of scheduled inspections and maintenance by competent personnel.
  • Learn about daily visual inspections, prompt issue resolution, and calibration of carbon monoxide monitors.

Safe Work Procedures

  • Understand the need for developing and implementing written safe work procedures.
  • Comprehend how these procedures provide vital information about hazards, risks, control measures, and the responsible use of compressed air for breathing.


Prioritizing your safety at work goes beyond the immediate health benefits—it's an investment in your future. By effectively managing carbon monoxide exposure during air compressor use, you not only protect your well-being but also establish the groundwork for potential compensation in the event of unforeseen workplace accidents or injuries. Your health and financial security are worth safeguarding.

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