Your Role in Pipeline Safety

Due to the potential hazards associated with pipelines, WorCover Queensland emphasizes the regulation of various aspects of pipeline activities to ensure safety.

Understanding your responsibilities is crucial in dealing with pipelines, especially those carrying flammable, explosive, or toxic materials. In the event of a pipeline failure, these materials can pose risks to people and property. To address these potential dangers, regulatory measures are in place to oversee different aspects of pipeline activities.

In the realm of duties, sections 389 to 391 of the WHS Regulation outline responsibilities concerning the construction, operation, and management of pipelines involved in the transfer of hazardous chemicals. For instance, under section 389, the owner of a pipeline is mandated to manage risks associated with the transfer of hazardous chemicals. Section 390 outlines the duties of a pipeline builder when constructing a pipeline crossing into a public place for the transfer of a schedule 11 hazardous chemical. Furthermore, section 391 stipulates that the operator of such a pipeline must manage risks to health and safety arising from the transfer of hazardous chemicals through the pipeline.

Notification requirements are specified in both section 390 (pipeline builder's duties) and 391 (management of risks by the pipeline operator). These sections necessitate the provision of information to Work Health and Safety Queensland (WHSQ), including details such as the intended owner and operator's names, pipeline specifications, procedures for operation, maintenance, renewal, and relaying of the pipelines, any public places the pipeline will cross, and the intended emergency response procedures. Additionally, the pipeline operator must notify WHSQ of the supplier and receiver of the hazardous chemical and the accurate classification of the hazardous chemical.

The notification process serves the purpose of ensuring that pipelines used for transferring hazardous chemicals into public places are effectively communicated to the regulator. By adhering to these regulations and fulfilling notification requirements, the aim is to enhance awareness and control over pipeline activities, promoting overall safety in the handling of hazardous materials.

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