Remaining Physically Active During Computer Use

Remaining Physically Active During Computer Use: Here are some suggestions to keep active while you're working:

  1. Place your printer, scanner, photocopier, and rubbish bin away from your desk so you have to walk to them.
  2. Utilize your sit/stand desk to switch positions regularly during the day.
  3. Invest in a Bluetooth or wireless headset to enable standing and moving during phone or video calls.
  4. Mix up your work tasks to vary your postures and engage different parts of your body.
  5. Take short, frequent breaks to step away from your desk, aiming to change your position every 30 minutes.
  6. Incorporate more activity into your commute and daily movements, such as combining meetings with walks, parking farther away, exiting the bus a stop earlier, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or going for a walk during lunchtime.

More information: 

Working in the office - computer workstation checklist

Healthy habits while working at home (DOCX, 0.55 MB)


Getting your office space to work for you: How to stay active with computer based work

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