Importance of Hazardous Manual Task Training

Importance of Hazardous Manual Task Training

Here's why training matters:

  • It complements other safety measures in place, such as proper use of equipment and safe task performance.
  • It helps you and your team recognize hazardous manual tasks (HMT), understand the risks, and find ways to reduce them.
  • It's legally required by regulations and codes of practice.

Key points of suitable HMT training:

  • Focuses on risk management and how to identify HMT and its risk factors like force, postures, vibration, repetition, and duration.
  • Teaches how to minimize risks and perform specific tasks safely using tools, equipment, and work procedures.
  • Guides you on how to report any problems or maintenance issues.

Who should receive training?

  • Anyone who performs, supervises, or manages HMT.
  • Staff responsible for selecting and maintaining equipment, or organizing jobs and tasks.
  • Health and safety representatives.

When should training occur?

  • When starting a new job or during induction.
  • Continuously as part of regular updates and whenever new risks are identified.
  • When job processes, equipment, or legislation changes.

Keep training records, including dates, topics covered, and participants' signatures. This ensures ongoing compliance and safety at work.



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