Using your computer while working from home

Keep your workspace clean and free of clutter, and ensure paths are clear for easy access. Maintain good lighting for your tasks and control glare and reflections to protect your eyes. Proper ventilation and temperature control are essential for your comfort.

In case of emergencies, have important phone numbers handy, maintain clear paths for evacuation, and keep a first-aid kit and fire extinguisher nearby. Regularly inspect electrical equipment for damage and make sure safety switches are tested every few months.

Your workstation setup can help prevent musculoskeletal injuries and other health issues. Focus on ergonomic adjustments to your chair and desk, visual comfort, and staying active while working.

Stay in touch with your employer and colleagues to prevent feeling isolated while working from home. Communicate regularly about workload, expectations, and updates.Secure your work materials, both physically and online, and know where to get IT support when needed.

Remember that your home office is still a workplace, and you and your employer share responsibilities for safety. Follow your employer's health and safety policies and report any discomfort, hazards, or incidents.

Reference: Getting your office work for you

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