Identify and assess hazardous manual task risks

It is important to recognize and assess the risks associated with hazardous manual task risks to stay safe and prevent injuries.

To identify potential hazards, talk with your colleagues about any discomfort or aches you experience during tasks. Review workplace records and reports to pinpoint any issues. Keep an eye out for trends in the data, as they can highlight tasks that are frequently hazardous.

Once a risk is identified, a risk assessment helps evaluate the physical strain and movements involved in a task that could lead to injuries. You should assess which postures, movements, or forces might pose a risk and figure out how and why these risks happen.

When considering risk factors, ask yourself if the task involves repetitive movements, awkward postures, or high force. Also, check if you’re doing tasks for long periods, dealing with sudden force, or exposed to vibration. These factors can increase the chance of injury, especially if multiple risk factors are present.

Think about the sources of risk you encounter during tasks, such as workspace design, the nature and weight of what you're handling, work systems, and the work environment. Reducing these risks can help protect you from injury.

Reference:  The Hazardous manual tasks code of practice 2021 (PDF, 1.38 MB)

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