Palletising including field palletising on harvest aids

Palletising, including field palletising on harvest aids, involves packing and stacking goods onto pallets for efficient shipping and handling. This process poses risks such as manual handling injuries, awkward postures, repetitive tasks, and potential crush injuries. Workers may face challenges when palletising on harvest aids due to limited space and unexpected movements.

To manage these risks, workers are advised to prioritize their health and safety, cooperate with management, and report hazards. Employers have legal responsibilities and should follow a four-step risk management process outlined in the Work Health and Safety Act 2011. 

This includes identifying risks, assessing their severity and likelihood, implementing controls, and regularly reviewing and adjusting measures to maintain a safe work environment. The "How to manage work health and safety risks code of practice 2021" provides practical advice for businesses to fulfill their health and safety obligations.

The four steps to manage risks are:

  1. Identify the Risk:
    • Inspect work processes and equipment design, maintenance, and worker training.
    • Communicate with workers to gather insights on potential hazards and improvements.
    • Regularly review records, workers' compensation claims, incidents, sick leave, and complaints.
    • Ongoing identification of hazards is recommended, scheduled at least annually or during changes in equipment, facilities, or work practices.
  2. Assess the Risk:
    • Evaluate the severity and likelihood of harm for each identified hazard.
    • Utilize a risk assessment template to guide and document assessments.
  3. Control the Risk:
    • Follow the hierarchy of controls to eliminate or minimize risks.
    • Consider additional measures for specific tasks, such as planning the location of palletising areas, using pallet stacking devices, and implementing ergonomic solutions.
    • Regularly review and adjust control measures to maintain a safe work environment.
  4. Review Risk Controls:
    • Regularly review control measures, proactively addressing issues.
    • Conduct reviews in response to ineffective control measures, changes that introduce new risks, identification of new hazards, worker requests, or when prompted by health and safety representatives.
    • The goal is to sustain a work environment free from health and safety risks, aligning with work health and safety laws.

Standards and compliance

Codes of practice

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