Navigating Your Work Environment: Mitigating Risks for Your Safety

In the worker's perspective, WorkCover Queensland underscores the impact of environmental factors on slips, trips, and falls, requiring attention to mitigate risks.

Considerations include:

  • Assessing poor lighting conditions, dark shadows, changes in lighting, glare, and 'blind' corners in critical areas like steps, stairways, flooring transitions, spill-prone zones, nighttime areas, and known hazard locations.
  • Recognizing occupational groups working with restricted vision, such as those in darkened environments, unfamiliar settings, inconsistent surfaces, outdoor spaces, or requiring personal protective equipment like goggles.
  • Acknowledging the effect of restricted hearing on missing warnings, emphasizing the need to consider auditory cues like people approaching, objects falling, or verbal instructions.
  • Noting that the use of headphones or earbuds can reduce perception of potential hazards, and distractions from noises can divert attention from walking safely.

In addressing these risks, WorkCover Queensland advocates:

  • Lighting improvements that ensure even distribution within and between areas, preventing glare, shadowing, and reflections. The focus is on providing suitable lighting according to the Managing the Work Environment and Facilities Code of Practice 2021.
  • Recognizing that in environments with restricted hearing, alternative attention-gaining modes like visual signals, movement, or touch may be necessary. The use of headphones or earbuds should be avoided in high-risk areas where full attention is required.
  • Managing extreme temperatures by removing ice build-ups, checking door seals, preventing/reducing humidity, providing slip-resistant flooring, and wearing slip-resistant footwear to minimize slip accidents. Regular maintenance and cleaning of light fixtures are also crucial.

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