Navigating External Areas Safely: Your Role in Injury Prevention

In the worker's perspective, WorkCover Queensland urges a thorough assessment of risks in external areas frequently overlooked in workplace surveys. Hazards for slips and trips outdoors often involve:

  • Uneven paths, changes in level, or surfaces affected by wet leaves, moss, sand, or gravel.
  • Steps with inconsistent sizes, unevenness, or lacking handrails.
  • Ramps that are excessively steep, slippery, or without proper handrails.
  • Tree roots and vegetation disrupting walkways or obstructing vision.
  • Small holes, potholes, and surfaces prone to becoming slippery when wet.
  • Irregular surfaces like bushy or rocky areas, stone paths, and wet lawns or grass.
  • Hazards around curbs, gutters, drains, and car park areas.
  • Exposed watering systems or hoses.

Irregular ground surfaces, even with slight height variations, pose significant trip hazards. Nighttime use of outdoor areas increases the risk.

To mitigate these risks, WorkCover Queensland advocates for well-designed pathways and accessible work areas:

  • Paths, steps, and ramps tailored to specific tasks and users.
  • Provision of shelters or covered access when needed.
  • Surfaces ensuring a consistent and even pathway.
  • Installation of handrails at steps or ramps.
  • Implementation of suitable drainage solutions.
  • Adequate lighting to enhance visibility.
  • Highlighting changes in curb or walkway elevation, for instance, using yellow paint.
  • Locating watering systems away from pathways.

Regular maintenance is essential for outdoor areas, with a focus on paths and walking surfaces:

  • Patching or filling cracks wider than 1cm.
  • Addressing deep grooves, cracks, or holes through patching, filling, or repaving.
  • Removing debris from walking surfaces.
  • Keeping paths clear from moss and other vegetation.
  • Ensuring proper drainage to eliminate pooled water and muddy areas.

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