Choosing the Right Footwear: Your Key to Workplace Safety

As a worker, your choice of footwear plays a crucial role in preventing slips, trips, and falls in the workplace. Recognizing the signs that indicate potential risks and taking control measures can not only enhance your safety but also contribute to a secure working environment.

Assessing the Risk: Is Your Footwear a Hazard: Identifying signs that your shoes might be putting you at risk is essential. Be vigilant for:

  • Treads clogged with contaminants
  • Smooth soles on slippery, polished floors
  • High heels unsuitable for uneven ground or rapid movements
  • Loose-fitting sandals or thongs
  • Worn-out treads that no longer provide grip

Deciding on Control Measures: Steps to Mitigate Risks:To avoid slips, trips, and falls, ensure your chosen footwear aligns with your work environment and tasks. Implement these strategies:

  • Establish a Footwear Policy for 'sensible' or 'slip-resistant' choices
  • Provide clear guidance on ideal design features for specific tasks
  • Set up cleaning stations for tread contaminants
  • Encourage regular inspection and maintenance of footwear
  • Extend footwear guidance to workplace visitors and contractors

Best Footwear Practices: What to Look for Opt for 'sensible' footwear with:

  • Flat and enclosed design
  • Secure and firm grip
  • Flexible, cushioned sole
  • Heel support and grip
  • Comfort for extended wear
  • Tread suited to likely contaminants, kept clean and in good condition

Consider 'slip-resistant' footwear with additional features:

  • Tailored to your workplace and tasks
  • Non-slip performance in both wet and dry conditions
  • Well-defined tread pattern for a firmer grip
  • Bevelled or rounded heel edge
  • Rubber soles for enhanced slip resistance on wet floors
  • Tread patterns suited to the size and type of contaminants, with variations based on indoor or outdoor work environments

By prioritizing the right footwear, you actively contribute to a safer workplace, reducing the risk of accidents and potential future compensation claims.

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