Guide to Safety and Efficiency Cattle Crush

Cattle crushes, like other cattle handling devices, contribute to enhancing the safety of both the cattle and the workers involved.

In essence, a cattle crush is a robustly constructed stall or cage designed to securely hold large, heavy animals like cattle during various procedures. Contrary to its name, it doesn't crush the cattle; instead, it snugly confines them, ensuring their stability and, consequently, the safety of both the animals and the handlers. Common uses of a cattle crush include weighing cattle, insemination or pregnancy testing, disease testing, vaccinations, checking if cows are pregnant, caring for newborn calves, and applying treatments for ticks or flies.

Cattle crushes are typically constructed using heavy steel pipe or tubing, either fully fixed or mobile. Key components include a head bail or neck yoke, possibly with a chin or neck bar to immobilize the animal's head, and additional features like veterinary sections, baulk gates, squeeze mechanisms, or split side gates.

When selecting a cattle crush, various factors should be considered. The intended operations, the size suitable for the cattle, and the crush's manufacturing standards and quality materials are crucial. Questions to ask include the crush's designed functions, size appropriateness, access to the head, side, and rear of the animal, ease of maintenance, manufacturing quality, durability, and overall value for money.

Functionality, user-friendliness, and operator safety should also be prioritized. Important considerations encompass the ease of securing the baulk gate, sufficient head clearance for animals and workers, the presence of a split vet gate, quick-release gates in emergencies, secure grounding of the unit, absence of protruding objects that could harm animals or workers, and the inclusion of a kick-shut latch on the kick gate.

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