Protecting Your Health and Compensation in the Workplace

For workers, understanding vaccine-preventable diseases is crucial. These are severe infections that can be avoided through vaccination, offering protection against potential life-threatening consequences. Beyond causing short-lasting acute infections, some diseases, like hepatitis B and Q fever, can lead to chronic infections with enduring health issues. Certain infections, such as rubella and chickenpox, may even affect infants during their mothers' pregnancies.

Vaccine-preventable diseases often exhibit high contagion and can spread easily, sometimes even before the infected person shows symptoms. This transmission can occur within the workplace, impacting colleagues, families, and the broader community.

Occupations carrying an elevated risk of contracting vaccine-preventable diseases include:

  • Healthcare workers
  • Individuals working with children
  • Carers
  • Emergency and essential service workers
  • Laboratory staff
  • Workers in specific remote areas
  • Those working with animals
  • Individuals exposed to human tissue, blood, body substances, used needles and syringes, or sewage.

To address these risks, specific vaccinations, known as occupational vaccines, are recommended for individuals in these roles. Health professionals can find comprehensive information in the Australian Immunisation Handbook regarding vaccination for those at occupational risk.

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