Mental Wellbeing to a Healthier Mindset

In the construction domain, stress and anxiety often loom larger for workers compared to those in other sectors.

Insights from BERT's Research: Commissioned by the Building Employee's Redundancy Trust (BERT), a study highlights a notably elevated suicide rate within Queensland's construction industry (Australian Institute of Suicide Research and Prevention, 2006).

Key Revelations:

  1. Construction workers face a sixfold higher likelihood of suicide than industrial accidents.
  2. Young construction workers (15–24 years old) encounter a suicide rate almost twice that of all working-age males.
  3. Roughly one in twenty construction workers contemplates suicide annually.

Factors Impacting Mental Well-being: Various work-related aspects heighten the risk to mental well-being, including the hazardous nature of construction work, extended and physically demanding work hours, pressures linked to project deadlines, and the transient, insecure nature of employment. Personal factors, such as relationship challenges, alcohol or substance abuse, and financial distress, further contribute to mental well-being concerns.

Addressing Mental Health Challenges:

  • MATES in Construction (MIC): An initiative led by BERT and key figures in the Queensland construction sector, MIC is rooted in best practices and expert advice on suicide prevention. It aims to identify early warning signs, connect at-risk workers with suitable support, and contribute to fostering a more resilient and healthier industry. MIC has gained significant industry backing, recognizing the urgency of addressing suicide concerns on construction sites across Queensland.

Seeking Support: For both employers and workers, strategies promoting mental well-being prove beneficial. Employers should align with the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, acknowledging their duty to minimize exposure to work-related hazards contributing to psychological illness or injury. Thoughtfully crafted and well-managed workplaces play a pivotal role in championing worker health and well-being.

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