Diving Safety Guidelines for Workers: Your Role in Ensuring a Secure Experience

In ensuring the safety and well-being of recreational divers and snorkellers, WorkCover Queensland recognizes the importance of imparting specific advice in addition to formal qualification instruction. The health and safety of participants are paramount, especially when knowledge, skills, or experience related to diving or snorkelling may be insufficient.

To effectively communicate information and advice, WorkCover Queensland employs various methods, including formal training, briefings, presentations, distribution of brochures, signs, and posters, use of illustrated charts, diagrams, site photographs, films, and provision of translated materials or interpreters when needed.

Engaging divers and snorkellers is key to effective communication. Briefings emphasize key points through words, visual displays, and touch, avoiding unnecessary lengthiness. A 'meet and greet' follow-up allows participants to discreetly discuss concerns or medical issues, providing an opportunity to identify and assess 'at risk' individuals.

WorkCover Queensland understands the diverse preferences of participants and employs varied techniques, such as humor, to enhance communication effectiveness. A successful briefing is evidenced by participant questions, reporting of concerns, and adherence to safety instructions.

For information dissemination, a standardized briefing and medical advice form for diving and snorkelling is accessible in English and thirteen other languages, emphasizing inclusivity.

Instruction for divers spans various topics, covering procedures for all divers, emergency protocols, risks, first aid for marine jellyfish stings, and site-specific details. Certificated divers receive additional guidance, including responsibilities, emergency procedures, and specific safety measures for solo diving.

For snorkellers, five key safety messages are reinforced, emphasizing the risks associated with certain medical conditions, the importance of self-awareness, use of flotation devices, snorkelling with a buddy or guided tour, and staying close to supervising staff.

Instructions for snorkellers encompass advice on equipment use, environmental conditions, locations of lookouts and supervisors, communication systems, and managing risks associated with sun exposure or hypothermia.

WorkCover Queensland encourages breath-hold divers to recognize the risk of hypoxic blackout and advises against hyperventilation. Experienced breath-hold divers are urged to dive in buddy pairs, and those using weight belts should ensure proper weighting for neutral or positive buoyancy at the surface. Weight belts should have a quick release mechanism, and divers should be familiar with its operation.

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