Embark Safely on Recreational Technical Diving: A Worker's Guide

In the realm of recreational technical diving, WorkCover Queensland acknowledges the utilization of gases beyond air and the necessity for decompression stops. Alongside the inherent risks of recreational diving, recreational technical divers face additional dangers, including exposure to high or low partial pressures of various breathing gas constituents, carbon dioxide toxicity, and potential catalytic reactions from rebreather scrubber units.

Recreational technical diving encompasses activities such as breathing enriched air nitrox (EANx) or mixed gases, using rebreathers, and engaging in decompression stop diving with air or alternative gases. The prerequisites for technical diving closely align with those for recreational diving using air.

For those involved in recreational technical diving, WorkCover Queensland emphasizes the imperative need for a diver surface support station during decompression diving. Additionally, diving using EANx demands a heightened level of skills, equipment, procedures, training, and supervision.

Furthermore, mixed gas diving, where divers employ gases other than air or EANx to explore greater depths, is part of recreational technical diving. WorkCover Queensland recognizes the unique challenges and safety considerations associated with this form of diving.

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