Your Role in Planning and Preparation of Site

Importance of Planning and Preparation of Site: Initiating work safely begins with meticulous planning and preparation. For concrete pumping operations, this planning should commence at the early stages of project development to mitigate potential health and safety risks.

Inclusive Planning Approach: Successful planning necessitates collaboration with all involved parties. This includes engagement with the principal contractor, the concrete pumping entity, the electricity provider, the designer, and the project manager.

Roles and Responsibilities: The Concrete Pumping Code of Practice 2019 delineates the responsibilities of key roles in concrete pumping operations:

  • Person conducting a business or undertaking
  • Concrete pump owner
  • Concrete pumping equipment operator

Planning Requirements: The Concrete Pumping Code of Practice 2019 outlines specific planning requirements for:

  • Principal contractor or person in control of the workplace
  • Concrete pumping person conducting a business or undertaking

For a comprehensive understanding of planning and preparation of site for concrete pumping operations, refer to section 3 of the Concrete Pumping Code of Practice 2019.

Placement of Plant and Equipment: Detailed guidance on appropriately siting plant and equipment, establishing in public spaces, and working in proximity to overhead powerlines is available in section 4.2 of the Concrete Pumping Code of Practice 2019.

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