Handling Hazardous Manual Tasks

In Handling Hazardous Manual Tasks by following a systematic process and engaging in open communication with WorkCover Queensland.

Discover effective methods for managing hazardous manual tasks to ensure the safety of workers.

Manual tasks encompass activities like lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, carrying, or manipulating people, animals, or objects. Hazardous manual tasks exhibit characteristics such as repetitive or sustained force, high or sudden force, repetitive movement, sustained or awkward postures, and exposure to vibration.

Recognize that not all manual tasks pose hazards, and employers should proactively identify and manage such tasks in the workplace.

In terms of risk management, WorkCover Queensland emphasizes that a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) must handle risks associated with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) linked to hazardous manual tasks. Refer to the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (Section 60) for comprehensive information on managing MSDs.

To effectively manage risks under the WHS Regulation 2011, a PCBU should identify potential hazards, strive to eliminate them where reasonably practicable, and implement control measures in line with the hierarchy of control. Maintenance and periodic review of control measures are crucial to ensuring ongoing effectiveness.

For guidance on the risk management process for manual tasks, consult Appendix C of the Hazardous manual tasks code of practice 2021 (PDF, 1.38 MB).

WorkCover Queensland underscores the importance of consulting with workers affected by manual tasks, involving health and safety representatives if applicable (sections 47-48 WHS Act 2011).

Initiate risk management by identifying tasks with potential MSD risks, focusing on the interaction between workers and task execution, tools, equipment, and the physical work environment.

Comply with WHS Regulation 2011 by systematically selecting controls that effectively eliminate or minimize risks, potentially employing a combination of measures.

Eliminating the risk is the most effective control measure. If this is not practicable, then minimise the risk as far as possible.

Risk controls measures
Hierarchy of control
Examples of control measures
Level 1
  • Automate the manual task (such as using remote controls)
  • Deliver goods directly to the point of use to eliminate multiple handling
Level 2
  • Replace heavy items with those that are lighter, smaller and/or easier to handle
  • Replace hand tools with power tools to reduce the level of force required to do the task
  • Isolate vibrating machinery from the user, for example, by providing fully independent seating on mobile plant
  • Use mechanical lifting aids
  • Provide workstations that are height adjustable
Level 3
  • Rotate workers between different tasks
  • Arrange workflows to avoid peak physical and mental demands towards the end of a shift
Personal protective equipment
  • Heat resistant gloves for handling hot items
  • Shock absorbent shoes for work on hard concrete floors
To implement the most effective controls you should:
  • start at the top of the hierarchy of control
  • allow workers to trial controls and give their feedback before decisions are made to make them permanent
  • develop work procedures to ensure that controls are understood and responsibilities are clear
  • communicate the reasons for the change to workers and others
  • ensure that any equipment used in the manual task is properly maintained
  • provide training to ensure workers can competently implement the risk controls. Training should include information about manual tasks risk management, specific manual tasks risk and how to control them, use of mechanical aids, tools, equipment and safe work procedures and how to report a problem or maintenance issue.

Training in lifting techniques must not be the sole or primary means to control the risk of MSDs.

Reviewing control measures

Control measures that have been implemented must be reviewed, and, if necessary, revised to make sure they work as planned and to maintain a work environment that is without risks to health and safety.

You should review control measures:

  • when the control measure is no longer effective
  • before a change that is likely to give risk to a new or different risk
  • if a new hazard is identified
  • if consultation indicates a review is necessary
  • if a health and safety representative requests a review.


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