Your Guide to People at Work: Paving the Way to Secure Compensation and Well-being

Welcome to People at Work – your compass to safeguard your mental health, ensuring a brighter financial future through compensation. Here's how you can navigate the psychosocial risk assessment process to secure your well-being.

Understanding People at Work

Discover how People at Work is your ticket to better health and potential compensation.

What Is People at Work?

  • People at Work is your validated and evidence-based psychosocial risk assessment survey tool with benchmarking capabilities, meticulously tailored to Australia's work landscape.

The Value It Offers

  • Comply with your health and safety obligations.
  • Better manage psychosocial hazards.
  • Prevent psychological harm, ensuring you are covered in case of an accident or injury.

Unlocking the Benefits

Learn how People at Work empowers you to thrive in a mentally healthy workplace, reducing workers' compensation claims and boosting your productivity and satisfaction.

Access to Resources

  • Gain access to the People at Work survey at no cost, now available digitally to Australian organizations.

Complete Toolkit

  • Utilize all essential materials for survey administration and reporting, including custom reports and interactive learning modules.

Proactive Risk Management

  • Implement a psychosocial risk management approach and evaluate intervention effectiveness.

Joint Effort for Your Well-being

Australian work health and safety regulators have collaborated to bring you People at Work, an invaluable resource that measures decades of research and aligns with Safe Work Australia's guidance.

The Hazards It Addresses

  • These hazards are grounded in extensive research, focusing on factors influencing your psychological health and safety.

Your Well-being Matters

Sending a powerful message to your employer, you emphasize the value placed on workers' mental health and well-being. This not only enriches your working experience but also ensures a brighter financial future.

The Benefits You'll Reap

  • Reduced workers' compensation claims.
  • Improved worker productivity, satisfaction, and engagement.

Learn More

For a deeper insight, watch the People at Work film to grasp the benefits that await you. You can also explore for additional details.


People at Work is more than just a tool; it's your pathway to ensuring psychological well-being and potential compensation. Your mental health is your greatest asset. Start your journey to a safer and brighter future today with People at Work.

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