Who Are You Dealing With?

You were curious to see if we are a real company.

Indeed we are.  But good on you for checking. You never know these days.

First of all we are not a Facebook scamming operation. But we do use Facebook and so do you.  That's how you got here. 

What we are is a legitimate Queensland business, staffed by real people specializing in workplace accidents and committed to ensuring injured workers make applications for lump sum payments in a way that maximizes all the benefits they are entitled to.

We stand out as the only workplace health and safety (WHS) firm in Queensland that caters exclusively and 100% to workers. Unlike many others in the field, we never act for employers — our dedication is solely to the worker. This singular focus allows us to align completely with your interests and fight for the maximum payments you deserve.

What We Do:
We provide workers with a detailed incident report, at no charge, to ensure their lump sum payments from WorkCover are maximized.

Ready to move on?

If you're satisfied that we are a legitimate business and recognize that lump sum payments are part of a legal framework, you can access Form 178A now. However, if you're curious about why we offer our services for free, as it seems too good to be true, click here to learn more about our commitment to helping workers like you.

We're here to guide and support you, whether that means assisting with your lump sum application or providing insight into our unique approach. Your informed success is our utmost goal.

Best regards,

Chief Investigator

Workcover Claims - Procedural Compliance Department

The Workers' Watchdog Guarantee

Worker's Rights Safety Investigations (WRSI) is committed to safeguarding your rights throughout the workers' compensation journey. Our thorough approach includes scrutinizing WorkCover specialists and doctors to ensure adherence to essential processes and procedures. We meticulously assess how WorkCover handles your claim and review the information provided to you, shedding light on overlooked strategies. Most importantly, we uncover any critical information gaps to empower you fully. Moreover, we meticulously examine legal costs agreements and bills, alongside evaluating legal work during statutory and damages phases. Should we identify unethical practices, we fearlessly report and investigate them, ensuring accountability. With WRSI, rest assured, every aspect of your claim receives the scrutiny it deserves, safeguarding your rights and interests.

This website does not provide legal advice or services. The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. The content on this website is not a substitute for professional legal advice.

The owners and operators of this website are not lawyers and do not hold ourselves out as such. Any reliance on the information provided on this website is at your own risk.

If you require legal advice or services, we recommend contacting the Queensland Law Society or seeking the assistance of a qualified legal professional.

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